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The January 3rd-5th, 2025, races have been canceled due to a lack of snow and warm weather conditions.
The community snowball dance will still be held on 12/31/2024.

Horse stalls will be available for $5.00 a night per head.
PLEASE clean out your stalls before you leave, or we could lose this opportunity to provide them to contestants.

The Meeker Skijor Board is proud to announce the Fifth Annual Meeker Skijor Races at the Rio Blanco County Fairgrounds in Meeker, Colorado, January 3rd, 2025 - January 5th, 2025.
Racer registration is Friday the 3rd, with races on Saturday and Sunday.
General Admission to the races is $5.00 per person, kids 12 and under are free. Buy your tickets at the gate.
Event Map

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